I've decided to create a blog to journal the things that make me laugh everyday. Most of the time it's my daughter Natalee....I hope that you enjoy reading about our adventures.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow Day!

Here in Bowling Green, we had a whopping 4 inches of snow.  Everything was shut down for the day so we took a few minutes and went outside to play.  Natalee couldn't wait to get outside.  She was so patient as I layered on her clothes.  As I was adding her 3rd pair of socks she said, "Mommy, you are silly, I don't need 3 pairs of socks!"  When she came back in 30 min later, she told me that she was glad that she had on extra socks because her feet were still warm.
Here are some pictures of the things that Natalee learned today:

Daddy knows how to do fun things with snow!

It's fun to throw snow in the air and watch Mommy scramble back out of the way!

When you make Snow Angels, your hiney gets cold!

Lean forward at the end of the slope so that you don't fall over backwards when you stop!

All in all, we had a blast and had to drag her back in the house after 30 minutes.  It was only about 16 degrees today, so we couldn't stay out for very long.  By the time we came back in I had shot over 100 pictures and I could no longer feel my fingers. 

Note to self...look for gloves that allow fingers to be free for taking pictures, but help keep hands somewhat warm at next visit to the store because I think that it's going to be a fun winter. 

God Bless....

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Blogging - Day 1

One of my New Year's Resolutions for 2010 was to set up a blog and start journaling the things that happen around here every day.  Well, with only 20 days left in 2010, I decided that I'd better get serious about it and get it done!  I started the process today and I'm sure that there will be a lot of changes and updates before I get it just right, but I'm happy that my blog is now a work in progress instead of just something that I am going to do someday.

The handful of people that will come and read this blog will likely know me from Studio Calico.  I've worked on the Studio Calico blog lots of times, but I've never had a blog of my own.  I'm excited to be able to have an outlet for some of my Natalee stories and some creative writings of my own. 

Speaking of Natalee...here is a funny story from this evening.  We got home from a marathon day of running errands and grocery shopping and we were unloading our bags in the kitchen.  My hubby, Rich, had unwrapped some of those big light bulbs that go in the recessed can lights.  After he finally got them out of the plastic, he decided to try and carry all of them at once and put them away.  Well, of course, he dropped one on the hardwood floor and it exploded into a million pieces.  Without missing a beat, Natalee said, "Well, that was a good one Daddy."  I very nearly wet my pants laughing.  The look on his face combined with the giggles from Natalee nearly sent me over the edge.  I laughed so hard that I didn't even have to help with the cleanup!

I'll leave you with a couple of pictures of Natalee decorating our Christmas tree on Thursday night.  I guess that I thought that she would remember more about Christmas from last year since she was 2 & 1/2, but she really doesn't.  In a way, it's awesome because everything is so new and wonderful to her.  We had a blast and here are some of the pictures from the night.

All of her ornaments were in a 2x2 section of the tree.  We had to go back and make some adjustments later.

I loved the look of concentration on her face.  She was intent on getting each ornament in just the right spot.

This one was her favorite...can you guess why?

I'll do my very best to post here at least once a week.  Believe me, Natalee gives me plenty of material, it's just going to be a matter of finding the time to sit down and type it out.

Until then, God bless...